Truly Individualized Spiritual Growth That Makes It Clear How To Move Forward As A Person

Can you conceive of the idea that all of us are slightly "hypnotized" all the time? That whenever we feel the slightest fear, most of us immediately translate that fear into anger (feeling), anxiety(activity) or paralytic fear(thinking) that locks us into a reality that is not even close to complete?
The enneagram helps us to parse out the particular triggers we have as individuals that set off that trance state and cause us to operate out of it in relationship to ourselves and those around us. This is a 9 point (ennea) picture (gram) that in fact offers over 60 possibilities of ego personality and specific benchmarks of growth for each type. The goal of the enneagram is to come to know ourselves in this ego state and reach for the truth underneath it.
In this truth, we find ourselves, love and our personal God. We find our true strength and true peace. We find understanding of others and the ability to relate to them in a way that shows genuine understanding and compassion.
The path of the enneagram knows no religion or philosophy and so it is universally valuable for looking at ourselves. On the Internet or through the thousands of books available on the enneagram, we can take the "type" survey and discover our trance type and begin from there. The key to successful study is not to force change on ourselves but simply to note our behaviors, look at what is going on in every now moment and learn all that we can about how trance plays out in our lives.
Authors such as Don Riso, Russ Hudson, Helen Palmer, Thomas Condan and others offer insight into the basic enneagram types with a sense of the "map" to come out of trance and to recognize it in ourselves and others with compassion. The enneagram institute is a jam packed website where people can begin to study and understand. There is nothing to join, no leaders to follow. Books on this subject are available in nearly every library with a large volume of information on the Internet.
The enneagram offers the chance to come to the table of life fully instead of just lingering at the edges of the dining room. it can free us from perspectives on the world that take more from us and give us less than we deserve in life. We can begin to see what triggers anxiety, anger or fear in us so predictably, get out of our canned reactions and perspectives and begin to live more fully from our depths in spirit.
Kiva Wyandotte MSSW is a 30 year student of the enneagram who offers one to one consultation for helping professionals to further their growth as people and as practitioners who want to do more for their clients. She is also a Buddhist practitioner with a strong affinity for all spiritual paths Find her at for your questions or to request a phone consultation. Business is called "So Good With People"