The Power Of Taking It In Bits And Pieces

When we were growing up, we farmed with our parents and had to plant and weed large acres of farmland. My worst nightmare in daylight comes during the weeding season. These were times I would give up food and treats to be elsewhere other than in our home. Not so much because I was lazy but rather the daunting nature of the task of weeding all those who experienced can confess to.
When we stood up and looked at all we had to do we feel faint. And I in particular would not stop at being faint. I would complain, raise tantrums and generally attempt to discourage all from continuing. Our sweet mother had a way with me that no one else could in dealing with the situation. As soon as she was able to reach my heart with the several pet names she has for me, she proceeds to apply her magic wand.
Our wise, loving and hardworking mother always applied this simple process which works like magic. She divides the farm into small portions of not more than six human feet measurement at a time. She encourages us to bend and focus our attention on the portion allotted to us. She would usually add that we do not need to mind the whole farm as it is not a must that we must finish weeding it in one day. She would say these encouraging words regardless of whether she desires us to finish weeding the whole farm that day.
The magic that comes with the fact that we are focusing on a small portion of the whole is that we feel that we are conquerors and must be able to deal with the portion we have on our hands. The issue of who is first to finish his or her portion also add a pep to it all. The focus on a small portion at a time and the competition of who would finish first fires us up.
We see that when we are able to take the first six feet to the other end and take another six feet from that end back to where we started the work either finishes or is almost done. On some occasions, our mother would commend our work and ask that we leave the rest for another and we would be the ones telling her that the work is almost done and that we would like to finish it off today.
Your life tasks, your to do list and all you have to accomplish to achieve success can be divided into bits and pieces and each piece taken one at a time. So much more is usually accomplished in this way than imagining the enormous pile of work or task before us.
Try the power of taking it in bits and pieces today in your activities and let us know how you fared.
Good luck.
Francis Nmeribe is a Success Strategies Coach and Expert. If you would like to be coached on how to prioritize, divide and subdivide your tasks or life and daily goals, do not hesitate to contact me today at and at