Spring Cleaning Inside and Out

Have you ever wondered why such a thing as "Spring Cleaning" even exists? Well, it might have something to do with the earth waking up from its winter slumber. A time when there's a change in the air. You see buds appearing on nearby trees, you hear more birds singing and you get an itch to get outside more.
You may feel a sense of renewed energy and that it's time to get going. You want to start things maybe even more than you wanted to in January. The New Year is when we're still recovering from the hustle and bustle of the holiday season but the Spring is for the New!
Now is the time to make a commitment to yourself to get yourself in shape both inside and out. The outdoors beckons you to start taking the evening walk with your spouse, start your gardening project or learn to play tennis. All wonderfully active and enlivening activities no doubt. What's your goal this spring?
Here are YOUR 5 Tips on How to Get Started:
Tip #1 Empty Out Your Cupboards: Get rid of temptations. You say your son's cookies or ice cream sandwiches are not calling your name. Well, maybe they aren't right now, in this very moment, but they might in the future. Like when you come home late from a long day, feeling spent and vulnerable to choose these quick fix seeming pick me ups. By letting yourself indulge you will only be a step away from going down the wrong path. This "innocent" behavior may cause a derailment for more than that one evening - it could last several days, weeks or more. So keep a healthy house for everyone's sake.
Tip # 2 Overhaul Your Closet: If it doesn't fit anymore give it away. Don't be fooled by the false belief that keeping a bigger size is a protection for you. You may be thinking "I'll keep it just in case". Just in case means you most likely see weight gain and unhealthy habits returning in your future. Curb that type of thinking and focus on the "skinny" clothes in your closet. Let them be your guides. When too snug - you must stop and make a concerted effort to get back on track. It's your reality check.
Tip #3 Cleaning Up Requires Focus: You can't just wish things will clear themselves up. Like believing those few extras lbs will miraculously disappear without your needing to do anything different.
Change happens when you have a strategy and a commitment to yourself as well as a willingness to be patient with yourself. If you stay in a state of vagueness by not tracking your progress, making you unaware of your food choices or healthy habits, you are setting yourself up for a tough road ahead. It's important to know where you are or where you're going in order to clean up your act and get what you want.
Tip #4 Mix Work With Play:Taking a break through your Spring Cleaning is essential. By seeing these breaks as small little rewards you'll feel more alive, enjoy it more and will avoid feeling burdened by the job at hand. I would bet you probably don't reward yourself enough - do you? If you don't include a regular reward mindset into your life you may find yourself choosing more unhealthy "rewards" like hot fudge sundaes or a bag of potato chips instead of nestling into reading your favorite magazine or watching an HBO movie on a Monday Night. Comforting experiences don't have to contain calories.
Tip #5 Try Something New: Try some new recipes, table decorations or putting fresh spring flowers in your office or on your dining room table. You'll find you have a feeling of excitement with new and fresh things in your environment. You'll feel lighter and healthier in body, mind and spirit. Mix it up a bit. Clearing out the old and often worn out things or ideas in your life with new ones is revitalizing and necessary. Allow yourself to experience the Promise of Spring giving you a powerful feeling of overall wellbeing.
(c) Monika Klein
Monika Klein, BS, CN. is an award winning clinical nutritionist and weight loss expert. Monika is the "Compassionate and Practical Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach." Her company, Coaching For Health, offers life transforming weight loss and wellness programs, classes and products throughout the world. To learn more about Monika's services and programs, visit http://www.coachingforhealth.com.