Self Improvement Advice for Men - Finding Out Who the Real You Really Is

One of the challenges that we all face as men, is to really try to figure out who the real person we are is. See, most guys are conditioned to become followers of other men. They look to other guys to show them the model of who they are supposed to be. The problem is, that sometimes you can end up modeling the wrong guys and as a result, you end up coming across like someone you don't want to be or someone that doesn't really seem like who you really are.
Here are some tips that you can use to help yourself find out who you really are:
1. Ask yourself, what kind of life do you really want to live?
Not enough men ask themselves this question and as a result, they don't really ever put themselves on track to become the man that they want to be. You can't have no direction and expect to end up in the right place, right? You wouldn't expect that you can just jump in your car and start driving and you'd end up in California. What if you didn't head west, but were headed east instead? You'd have no chance at all of ending up in California. Yet, a lot of men do that with their life. They don't know where they are going, so they end up on the wrong path and by that time, they feel like it is too late to make the changes that they need to make. It's never too late, but the sooner you can put yourself on the right path, the better.
2. Ask yourself, what kind of life DON'T you want to live?
It's also good to ask yourself what it is that you don't want to do and what you don't want to experience. This can help you if need to find some clarity on what you do really want. If you know, for example, that you don't want to end up being married, then you know that pursuing those kinds of relationships that would lead to marriage are going to be the wrong choice for you. On the other hand, if you DO want to be married, then ending up with nothing but a string of one night stands probably isn't going to put you on that path.
3. Reject conformity if it doesn't serve you.
This is hard to do. We are conditioned to conform. A lot of the time, guys who don't conform are look down upon. Yet, they also tend to be the ones that live exciting lives. Take a look at Richard Branson. Most billionaire businessmen dress and look like a billionaire businessmen. Boring. Branson, doesn't on the other hand. He doesn't conform to what he is supposed to look like and do the things that he is supposed to do. Instead, he has fun. I'd take his life over the life of a guy who doesn't have fun any day of the week.
Do you have more than one goal you are pursuing right now? Read this: and if you want more advice on having the right state of mind, go here: