Taking Personal Responsibility - Live Sustainability

No one can argue that we are being steered by our leaders and big industry. What can we as individuals do on a daily basis to change our course and take control of our lives and environment? Do you recycle no matter how difficult? Do you buy local and organic? Do you make every effort to avoid buying cheap imports? Have you scaled back on your materialism, waste and excessive spending? We believe YOU can make lasting changes as a collective without sacrificing your individuality or freedom.
Ultra right wing conservatives are always touting personal responsibility. I firmly believe our actions as a society have led us down the path toward what many call a socialist agenda. Socialism is REACTIONARY. We have caused this backlash ourselves! Greed, excess, and materialism have taken us away from family and human values. We have become slaves to the corporate giants and their mass marketing campaigns. Let's start practicing fiscal and personal responsibility. Help your neighbor out without attaching strings like "come and visit my church" Etc. Bring a homeless guy a sandwich. Buy local and watch your labels. If you own a business pay a liveable wage (info liveable wage guidelines online). Stop looking for a way to stuff every penny into your greedy corporate pocket by shipping your manufacturing to China. Take the middle road and be FAIR to your neighbor, your employee and your community! It will come back to us as a nation 100 fold!
One cannot blame the government or politicians for all our problems, WE are the consumers and our buying power is a huge vehicle for change! The government is not twisting your arm and forcing you to bank at Bank of America, buy gas from BP / Exxon-Mobil, Chinese goods, or purchase GMO foods. Boycotting is patriotic and it is YOUR RIGHT not to buy things that contribute to the demise of the planet, your freedom and our jobs!
Allowing a political party to choose YOUR stance on issues is being controlled! There is no reason an independent, free thinking American cannot be an environmentalist and for social progress, yet also benefit from constitutional freedom and small government. Since when has capitalism meant big corporations monopolizing and controlling what we say, what we buy, and what we do? Capitalism should mean many successful small and medium size successful businesses all working together in networks for the good of the community and local economy. "Socialism" comes naturally when communities of hard working people join together for the good of all without government intervention. In the 1950's the farming communities were capitalist minded when doing business, but naturally social when working together in community. Government had little interference in the daily lives of the rural American. In rural areas and small sustainable cities, like minded people can still make this simple system work and it is all up to US to make it happen! Steer clear of dangerous militia group mentality and form peaceful agrarian communities based on the buy local model and make America strong again.
Take action NOW and view many articles about how YOU can enact massive change at: http://www.barkforum.com