Advice on Taking Advice

From the title I guess you could say this is advice-ception.
The human mind is an amazing thing, it can do a million operations at a time, we can think, dream plan ahead with this amazing tool, yet our minds also hate change and do whatever they can to find fault with the world and not with ourselves.
As a species we don't do well with taking advice, because we are too used to blaming other people for any bad situation we are in, its easy to find faults in them, finding faults in ourselves? Uhh, we don't have faults to find anyway remember?
Still we do like to ask for advice when in a tight spot, we want to hear what other people say and how they can help us, the problem with asking for advice is after we hear it, we almost always dismiss it, believing we know best and ignoring what other people have to say.
We're not perfect, everyone says that easily, its something we all heard "nobody is perfect" yet for some reason we still think we know better than anyone else.
Listen to the message, not the messenger.
One reason I personally don't listen to people is I tend to ignore what they are saying, and focus on the person saying it instead. They can be telling me real solutions to what I'm going through, but instead of listening to their advice I instead focus on the faults of the person talking and reach the conclusion that if they have problems themselves, why should I listen to them?
The best personal example I can think of is when it comes to driving, I'm the only one in my family who drives which means I will be driving in any sort of family gathering or event, and whenever one of those happens someone will point out some flaw I have while I drive.
"Signal earlier"
"Put more space between you and other cars"
"Slow down, we're not in a rush"
Is any of the above bad advice? No it all makes sense, but instead of thinking about what they say my mind automatically goes "they cant drive, why should I listen to them? They don't know what they are talking about."
Yet I might avoid an accident if I just listen to such basic advice without getting full of myself.
Judging the messenger and not the message is the easiest way of ignoring advice, if a serial killer said " Killing is bad" most of us would go "who is he to tell us that?" instead of just agreeing with the simple fact that killing is indeed a bad thing.
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Self Improvement Advice for Men - Finding Out Who the Real You Really Is

One of the challenges that we all face as men, is to really try to figure out who the real person we are is. See, most guys are conditioned to become followers of other men. They look to other guys to show them the model of who they are supposed to be. The problem is, that sometimes you can end up modeling the wrong guys and as a result, you end up coming across like someone you don't want to be or someone that doesn't really seem like who you really are.
Here are some tips that you can use to help yourself find out who you really are:
1. Ask yourself, what kind of life do you really want to live?
Not enough men ask themselves this question and as a result, they don't really ever put themselves on track to become the man that they want to be. You can't have no direction and expect to end up in the right place, right? You wouldn't expect that you can just jump in your car and start driving and you'd end up in California. What if you didn't head west, but were headed east instead? You'd have no chance at all of ending up in California. Yet, a lot of men do that with their life. They don't know where they are going, so they end up on the wrong path and by that time, they feel like it is too late to make the changes that they need to make. It's never too late, but the sooner you can put yourself on the right path, the better.
2. Ask yourself, what kind of life DON'T you want to live?
It's also good to ask yourself what it is that you don't want to do and what you don't want to experience. This can help you if need to find some clarity on what you do really want. If you know, for example, that you don't want to end up being married, then you know that pursuing those kinds of relationships that would lead to marriage are going to be the wrong choice for you. On the other hand, if you DO want to be married, then ending up with nothing but a string of one night stands probably isn't going to put you on that path.
3. Reject conformity if it doesn't serve you.
This is hard to do. We are conditioned to conform. A lot of the time, guys who don't conform are look down upon. Yet, they also tend to be the ones that live exciting lives. Take a look at Richard Branson. Most billionaire businessmen dress and look like a billionaire businessmen. Boring. Branson, doesn't on the other hand. He doesn't conform to what he is supposed to look like and do the things that he is supposed to do. Instead, he has fun. I'd take his life over the life of a guy who doesn't have fun any day of the week.
Do you have more than one goal you are pursuing right now? Read this: and if you want more advice on having the right state of mind, go here:

Faith - Just Enough to Live

Life is much like how a shark moves. Sharks must keep swimming. In staying spiritually alive, we also must keep moving in the direction of progress. And progress is keeping to the path that God has set for our lives, remembering that there are possibly many right paths we might keep to.
But, we are apt to forget - and this is important - progress doesn't always mean advancement or enhancement. Progress can mean simply keeping up. Progress can also mean recognising we have lagged behind.
Progress is simply seeing God's will and responding.
For anyone who is on the road to burn out, who is contemplating how they will get through the day or the week or the month or the year, their request of God is faith just enough to live. These don't require much from the Lord, just a gentle strength to keep responding well a moment at a time.
There is a prize to such faith; to simply keep going on our God-decreed passage.
Perhaps the most encouraging knowledge we can have about faith is that only a little as required; only enough to keep us going; only enough to get us through; and what is sufficient in God's grace is always enough.
As we venture forth succeeding in our moments, as we bear them patiently, resisting the flexion of our frustration, we are winning the moment.
Winning the moment is not all there is, though it's the most important thing for our spiritual sanity. Winning the moment is only part of the story. Adding to the power of winning the moment is the idea of reflecting in the present moment.
This is about reminding ourselves of our faithfulness in trusting God.
God wants us encouraged. God wants us to know when he is pleased with us.
We never get a big head from recognising such truths, because we are recognising God's provision in getting from A to B, then from C to D, etc.
When we notice our resilience, we notice also the faithfulness of God, and it helps us continue; to endure. As we endure, our mustard-seed faith grows and matures.
This is why it's so important to be encouraged by other people, because they validate what we may already know. Recognition is encouragement.
Life is tough enough that faith is required just to live. None of us are immune to problems, just as none of us are saved from them. We don't need huge portions of faith; just enough to do is all that is required. When faith is kept simple it is at its most powerful. By faith we connect our problems with winning moments.
© 2013 S. J. Wickham.
Steve Wickham is a Baptist Pastor and a Registered Safety Practitioner and holds Degrees in Science, Divinity, and Counselling. Steve writes at: and

Somewhere, Someone

We all get caught up with things that are going on in our immediate environment, sometimes it's hard to imagine what's going on somewhere else in the world. This might bring you a little closer in thought and hopefully in heart.
While you are eating; somewhere, someone is hungry. As you are laughing; somewhere, someone is shedding a tear. While you are holding your newborn; somewhere, someone is dying. As you are reciting your vows; somewhere, someone's heart is being broken. When you were out dancing; somewhere, someone is learning how to walk all over again. While you are singing; somewhere, someone is praying for their voice to be heard.
Life has its ups and downs. You are not guaranteed a great time every moment of every day. You learn to grab and hold on to those moments that make you smile and your heart feel good. You have to experience the bad things so that you can appreciate the good things, you have to have something to compare the good times to. Just as you know what it's like to be surrounded by loving people, you also know what it feels like to be alone, but you don't want to be lonely.
To me life is a heartbeat that is felt throughout the universe. That one heartbeat can be felt by so many and is bonded with people through experiences and feelings. We are not all different, we are all the same. We just haven't realized it yet, that will take generations to come. There is no good or bad, just what our perception of it is, and that perception varies from one generation to the next.
For those who have a hardened heart, while you wallow in anger and spend your precious time and energy seeking ways to seek revenge; someone somewhere is wrapping their loving arms around a baby struggling to breathe. You can either carry on old ways, or look at this baby, (a new life, a new breath), and see it as hope for a new generation that knows no anger, that knows only love; and you can teach it how to give and receive. The gift you give yourself is prosperity which is produced from love.
Just as you experience both good and bad events in your life, you also have choices to do good and bad things. Your heart is either pure; to help mankind make a better world for the next generation, or your heart has been hardened by past events and you cannot see outside of your own hatred and despair. Only you know the difference, and only you can change things. Give love and hope, not hate and despair. Which would you want your child to know?
My website,, offers hope and encouragement to others. Talk, Share, Learn, and Listen.
I wrote four books "Walk in Peace" & "My Soulful Journey" and "The Wishing Well" and "The Green Rabbit" which can be purchased on my website, and
I also have a Blog Talk Radio show. I have interviewed people regarding all subject matter. Feel free to listen to the archives at:

Faith - Just Enough to Live

Life is much like how a shark moves. Sharks must keep swimming. In staying spiritually alive, we also must keep moving in the direction of progress. And progress is keeping to the path that God has set for our lives, remembering that there are possibly many right paths we might keep to.
But, we are apt to forget - and this is important - progress doesn't always mean advancement or enhancement. Progress can mean simply keeping up. Progress can also mean recognising we have lagged behind.
Progress is simply seeing God's will and responding.
For anyone who is on the road to burn out, who is contemplating how they will get through the day or the week or the month or the year, their request of God is faith just enough to live. These don't require much from the Lord, just a gentle strength to keep responding well a moment at a time.
There is a prize to such faith; to simply keep going on our God-decreed passage.
Perhaps the most encouraging knowledge we can have about faith is that only a little as required; only enough to keep us going; only enough to get us through; and what is sufficient in God's grace is always enough.
As we venture forth succeeding in our moments, as we bear them patiently, resisting the flexion of our frustration, we are winning the moment.
Winning the moment is not all there is, though it's the most important thing for our spiritual sanity. Winning the moment is only part of the story. Adding to the power of winning the moment is the idea of reflecting in the present moment.
This is about reminding ourselves of our faithfulness in trusting God.
God wants us encouraged. God wants us to know when he is pleased with us.
We never get a big head from recognising such truths, because we are recognising God's provision in getting from A to B, then from C to D, etc.
When we notice our resilience, we notice also the faithfulness of God, and it helps us continue; to endure. As we endure, our mustard-seed faith grows and matures.
This is why it's so important to be encouraged by other people, because they validate what we may already know. Recognition is encouragement.
Life is tough enough that faith is required just to live. None of us are immune to problems, just as none of us are saved from them. We don't need huge portions of faith; just enough to do is all that is required. When faith is kept simple it is at its most powerful. By faith we connect our problems with winning moments.
© 2013 S. J. Wickham.
Steve Wickham is a Baptist Pastor and a Registered Safety Practitioner and holds Degrees in Science, Divinity, and Counselling. Steve writes at: and

Self Improvement Advice for Men - Finding Out Who the Real You Really Is

One of the challenges that we all face as men, is to really try to figure out who the real person we are is. See, most guys are conditioned to become followers of other men. They look to other guys to show them the model of who they are supposed to be. The problem is, that sometimes you can end up modeling the wrong guys and as a result, you end up coming across like someone you don't want to be or someone that doesn't really seem like who you really are.
Here are some tips that you can use to help yourself find out who you really are:
1. Ask yourself, what kind of life do you really want to live?
Not enough men ask themselves this question and as a result, they don't really ever put themselves on track to become the man that they want to be. You can't have no direction and expect to end up in the right place, right? You wouldn't expect that you can just jump in your car and start driving and you'd end up in California. What if you didn't head west, but were headed east instead? You'd have no chance at all of ending up in California. Yet, a lot of men do that with their life. They don't know where they are going, so they end up on the wrong path and by that time, they feel like it is too late to make the changes that they need to make. It's never too late, but the sooner you can put yourself on the right path, the better.
2. Ask yourself, what kind of life DON'T you want to live?
It's also good to ask yourself what it is that you don't want to do and what you don't want to experience. This can help you if need to find some clarity on what you do really want. If you know, for example, that you don't want to end up being married, then you know that pursuing those kinds of relationships that would lead to marriage are going to be the wrong choice for you. On the other hand, if you DO want to be married, then ending up with nothing but a string of one night stands probably isn't going to put you on that path.
3. Reject conformity if it doesn't serve you.
This is hard to do. We are conditioned to conform. A lot of the time, guys who don't conform are look down upon. Yet, they also tend to be the ones that live exciting lives. Take a look at Richard Branson. Most billionaire businessmen dress and look like a billionaire businessmen. Boring. Branson, doesn't on the other hand. He doesn't conform to what he is supposed to look like and do the things that he is supposed to do. Instead, he has fun. I'd take his life over the life of a guy who doesn't have fun any day of the week.
Do you have more than one goal you are pursuing right now? Read this: and if you want more advice on having the right state of mind, go here:

6 Effective Ways To Harness Your Subconscious Mind Power For Incredible Success

Most of our routine activities are controlled by the subconscious mind power. Perhaps that is why investing in subliminal technology has become so important for many people. Some people do not even know that they have a subconscious mind that perceives much more than the mind. The subconscious is the part of the mind that is not active in assessing, digesting or critically examining thoughts, but stores them. It influences a higher percentage of what we do since it "remembers" more than the ordinary mind. Below are some ways to improve and program the subconscious mind in order to achieve incredible success.
Inner Reflection
Just like the body, the mind needs time off. Time should be created for inner reflection, meditation and thinking. During reflection choose a quiet place without interruption. Music can be played softly in the background. Alternatively, make it is as silent as possible. Let your mind wander around and clear all the issues. It is important to know that for effective meditation, you need not to think about other pending issues or assignments.
If you usually have trouble with this and end up botching everything by thinking in the negative, invest in subliminal technology, get subliminal tapes and DVDS and leave them playing the whole night. Your subconscious mind will absorb the message. You may not know that it has, but it will.
Absorb Positive Messages
The subconscious mind is great for storage of subconscious messages and thoughts. In order to achieve incredible success, make positive declarations about the goals that you want to achieve. Stick wallpapers that have positive messages and watch useful programs on TV. The subconscious mind will be filled with encouraging attitudes hence positive outcomes.
Repetition Of Successful Ideas
Make sure you keep affirming your goals and objectives positively all the time. This brings about a positive attitude and strength in achieving the goal. Repetition allows the subconscious mind to capture the interest at hand and store it. The stored messages are mostly passed to us in form of emotional and unconscious actions. The success one needs will gradually be propelled by the actions of oneself from this mind power stimulation.
Involve Skills, Talents And Art
While talents and skills are in play, the subconscious mind is always very alert. Talents and skills tend to come up without any effort in thinking. Participating in such activities strengthens the subconscious power, which memorizes the talents to be used in other activities. Acting, dancing and other forms of art also help relax the mind since they do not require much thinking. For incredible success, be active with your talents and the subconscious mind will help you apply them in future.
Listen To The Inner Mind
Also referred to as the sixth sense, it is important to listen to the inner mind. The subconscious mind communicates to us in the form of emotions, feelings and ideas. It might present warnings, which give us a funny feeling/intuition not to do something. It might also lead us to opportunities by following the choice of one between two alternatives. Listening to the inner mind is fundamental to success since it either directs us to opportunities or away from disasters.
Use subliminal technology
Harnessing the power of the subconscious mind power is essential. How will you do this? It is very simple as this works hand in hand with subliminal technology. There are many subliminal audio programs selling out there which incoporates this technology. So go ahead, explore and make an investment today. You will never regret it.
Click Here to get your Free 'Secret Success Package' and transform your life in amazing ways!

Harnessing The Influence - Subliminal Ads

Influence of subliminal ads has been found to have an impact on purchase. Subliminal Ads are usually noticed by the subconscious mind rather than the conscious. Use of these ads has an effect unknown to the buyer. In order to achieve the flow of subliminal ads and technology in marketing products, the following aspects should be acknowledged.
Correct Setting
Normally the setting of the viewers should be relaxed in order to get the effect of these ads. The timing should be around a time when most people are watching television. The effect is best received by the subconscious mind when at ease. This will ensure more people get the effect and purchase the product. Note that in subliminal technology use, most people do not even realize that their subconscious minds have absorbed the messages.
Subliminal ads should be simple and easily read. This is because a hard message will capture the use of the conscious mind, which is not the target. The subliminal messages should be projected fast. In order to fully reach the target, quick messages that can only be read by the subconscious mind are used. This is to avoid analysis of the message by the active mind, which reduces the effect.
Presentation of the Aids
To make the influence of subliminal ads effective, one has to think about the presentation. The subconscious mind is best aroused by soft slow music. In fact, many people looking for the best subliminal technology find it in DVD format in very soft, positive and fast messages. Incorporating the ad with soft music will ensure reception by the subconscious mind.
The choice color of the subliminal image also matters. A soft of shouting color can be used depending on the product. Eco-friendly products will require a natural color resembling the environment. This sends a message to the subconscious mid in that when one thinks of nature the products comes in the mind.
The images used should evoke emotions in the mind of the viewers. The images should not be displayed in full, but a mere presentation is enough for the subconscious mind. The images, although unclear, are stored in the memory by the subconscious mind and are subject to remember.
The influence of subliminal ads will be achieved faster by repetition. Quick repetition in alternating durations is quickly absorbed and stored. The repetition ensures that those who previously had not seen the ad will see it and get the effect. The repetition in the subconscious mind constantly reminds the individual of the product. This will influence a viewer to buy the product.
Subliminal messages should be correctly timed. Early morning when the mind is free and fresh is a good time run the message. The impact of this will be that during the day the mind will be constantly reminded of the product. Bedtime is also a good time. Most messages that are absorbed at night by the subconscious mind are digested during the night. An individual might dream of certain products that they saw. This creates curiosity of the products hence purchase.
The influence of subliminal ads can have a huge impact if correct program is considered. The effect of such ads is to make consumers think of that product more. With the emergency of subliminal technology, subliminal ads can be infused in the messages in different ways. In fact, people will just absorb the ads without knowing that they have. This is the essence of subliminal technology.
Click Here to get your Free 'Secret Success Package' and transform your life in amazing ways!

Achieve Success By Influencing Others Using Hidden Subliminal Messages

The same way that you use the hidden subliminal messages to harness your mind power and bring it out is the same way that you can use the same power to influence other people in your life. It is important for everyone who wants success to think about how they can awaken their mind power. Of greater importance though is that you can also influence success in people who are close to you. Subliminal messages are never that obvious and actually, the conscious mind never perceives them otherwise if it does, then that message is no longer subliminal.
By harnessing the power of subliminal messaging and mastering the art of persuasion, you can get people to do just what you like, whether they like it or not. Better yet, we can say that you can influence people to do what you want them to do without their knowing that they were influenced.
Sounds cultic? Really, there is nothing cultic about this, but on the contrary, anyone who is of a mind can use the power of persuasion. A marketing campaign that uses hidden subliminal messages to appeal to core need of human beings can turn out very successful and rake in more sales. People can be influenced to buy without actually knowing that they are being influenced.
How can you use subliminal messaging to influence others? If you have a target market or audience for example, you need to focus fully on their needs. You have to put yourself in their shoes and understand what suits them. When you are coning your message, find words that evoke emotions. Find words that appeal to the emotions because that way, people will receive your message and they will think of it as viable.
There are messages and then there are strong subliminal messages. A good subliminal message should be curt, to the point and very impactful. For example, if one sells cigarettes, perhaps a good message would go like "stop smoking or die!" See? Very short, but all the same a message that evokes fear and as such, it cannot be forgotten. This will influence the way people think about smoking and eventually you will start experiencing boosted revenue as buyers flock to your store. You will be on your way to success.
While use of subliminal messaging was banned in the US in 1974 for giving marketers an undue advantage over buyers, it is not yet gone. It is used everywhere and if you know what to look for, you will find it. It is even used in advertisements on TV. What makes it so effective is that it is not meant to be perceived by the common senses. It is absorbed into the subconscious mind and stored there.
Design a logo that bears a message and one that will be associated with your products or services easily. A logo will be very easy to remember because it is an image and images stick to the mind more than words. With so many resources about subliminal technology today, you can learn how to use hidden subliminal messages to influence people for your success.

What Can I Learn From Nature?

These days we have individuals and governments committed to showing more respect for the environment rather than carelessly destroying it. Concern about the sustainability of the planet and its protection is a contemporary attitude that is becoming quite common. I feel it reflects a spiritual sensitivity to the goodness of the unspoilt natural world.
Nature is familiar and easily described, yet somehow it can evoke something less obvious and difficult to express in words; something mysterious and on a different level. Who hasn't at one time or another not felt inspired by the beauty of a mountain vista, a seascape or a rainbow full of startling colour? Who has not felt at peace contemplating cattle quietly grazing, being cheered by the sound of birdsong heard in the morning, or being enraptured by the scent of the pinewood in summer? Has nature anything more specific to teach you?
"Nature often holds up a mirror so we can see more clearly the ongoing processes of growth, renewal and transformation in our lives." (Mary Ann Brussat)
In general animals are well known for the way they protect and nurture their offspring, their practical good sense in the way they adapt to their habitat, and their ability to live in the moment. All spiritual qualities. But can we learn any specific lessons from different species? Has the fox or the snake something particular to teach us? Or is this just being anthropomorphic and attributing to animals human characteristics like in Aesop's fables?
I would suggest to learn from nature requires an objective attitude of mind -- a willingness to look deeply into what is really there as opposed to taking on board the stereotypes learned from childhood.
"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." (Albert Einstein)
These birds soar high in the sky on widespread powerful wings and see with sharp sightedness what is far below. I can see a picture of the human mind here. Isn't an eagle's perception one of a higher quality than the ordinary way of seeing things? Like uplifted thinking that searches out what is difficult to see when you are immersed in the mundane world of daily concerns. According to this viewpoint your mind is capable of soaring high to see life from a higher perspective.
Here we find gentle playful trusting creatures, who reveal a joy of contentment and peacefulness. Such innocence is unselfconscious and unsullied by any thought of anything harmful or bad. Is this not a picture of the innocence of the Divine source of all that is good deeply present within your soul?
Negative characteristics of some animals
The more you know about animals, the more you also notice their negative sides. Eagles are far seeing so that they can feed -- predators which swoop down and carry off lambs. According to one theory this mixture of negative and positive is an additional pointer to the spiritual. It's author, Emanuel Swedenborg, in his notion of 'correspondences', maintains that the natural world is both positive and negative because it is a reflection of human inner character, human beings having both good and bad elements to their conduct. For him, the positive is the higher reality of the divine perspective: on the other hand the negative is the lower perspective of egoism inverting and corrupting what is from the divine. Thus where some animals show a negative characteristic, this also alerts us to the spiritual factor again -- but this time in terms of its opposite.
Pigs are highly social animals. Properly kept they are a clean and attractive and can be quite intelligent. A pig will forage all the time, endlessly searching for something more to consume. For me this conjures up a picture of consumerism. People who allow themselves to become fixated on getting more and more things -- money, clothes, gizmos, food, the latest fashion accessory etc. Pigs also have a reputation for gluttony and dirtiness. It is these latter qualities which provide the symbol of inner greed - the love of self that takes everything it can get for itself searching out everything it can get for itself.
Donkeys have a notorious reputation for stubbornness, but this has been attributed to a much stronger sense of "self preservation" than exhibited by horses. It is considerably more difficult to force or frighten a donkey into doing something it perceives to be dangerous for whatever reason. However, once a person has earned their confidence they can be willing and companionable partners and very dependable in work.
Cannot the donkey be seen as corresponding to human natural way of thinking which can be argumentative and which would rather trust its own senses? I would suggest the donkey teaches us that such an attitude is capable of becoming trusting and obedient to a higher truth. Such an obedient understanding to deeper principles in people could carry us to a better way of living.
"The more humility we develop, the more signs of the Divine we can see around us and within us and the closer we grow to the deep joy and happiness to be experienced deep within our soul." (from Soul Symbols by Helen Newton & Becky Jarratt)
Copyright 2013 Stephen Russell-Lacy
As a clinical psychologist, Stephen Russell-Lacy has specialised in cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy, working for many years with adults suffering distress and disturbance.
He edits Spiritual Questions a free eZine that explores links between spiritual philosophy and the comments and questions of spiritual seekers. You can share your views and find out more about making sense of life.
His book Heart, Head and Hands draws links between the psycho-spiritual teachings of the eighteenth century spiritual philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg and current ideas in therapy and psychology.

Control Your Behavior

A short time ago I was giving a young lady some advice on how to deal with her love interest. She was actually dating a young man who she tried to control with every little thing he did. I made it a point to inform her if she continued she would lose him. Of course she had valid excuses and reasons for her behavior. She felt it was her right to behave the way she wanted, especially considering the things she wanted from her boyfriend. I thought to myself, it is pretty immature to believe you have grounds to behave this way any time he doesn't do what you want; are you really an adult or just a big two year old? I didn't necessarily want to hurt her feelings with being honest, but I thought perhaps if I explained how silly and immature she appeared, maybe it would make a difference; hopefully in time before she was faced with a breakup.
I don't know if it was some sort of kindred spirit between the boyfriend and me; however, shortly after, I found out he broke up with her. Of course I was a bit stunned, then again, I thought; what grown person, male or female would want to put up with someone like this? At that point I actually wanted to find him and give him a pat on the back. Sometimes we have to do things we're not comfortable with; nevertheless, you can't leave yourself in an uncomfortable situation either.
Have you ever been in a situation where you're trying to be helpful and understanding and the individual continues to blame everything and everyone else? I was up to my ears in her BS and I had to let her know. First, you are too damn old to be having any tantrums; get a grip. Just because things don't pan out as you would like, doesn't require you to throw a tantrum. Second, how can you begin to say you love someone when you can't treat people with respect or even as an adult? Third, who the hell died and made you Madam Superior? And last, by the sounds of things and the situation you're currently in; control doesn't seem to be working for you. She hesitated for a moment, appearing to be stunned at what I spoke. Let's just tell the truth and find a solution that will help, allowing you to become a better person for a better relationship with yourself and others. People are going to continue to tear down doors in order to get away from you if you don't change.
Apparently this young lady had a real control issue and one thing I know about control issues; behavior indicative of an insecure person. See, although her boyfriend did show her love, anything else outside of what it was she wanted was wrong of him and it caused problems. People who have controlling behaviors have a tendency to manipulate situations in their favor and when their unable to get things their way they show themselves as the victim. For example- she was furious over their breakup, so of course she handled it as if she was the victim. He broke up with her because he was cheating, only because he didn't spend every second of the day with her. I had never met her boyfriend and it even seemed as though she knew he was a good one, but she couldn't admit she was wrong.
Let's talk about controlling behavior- people who have these behaviors are hardly aware of how they act and it is difficult to explain it to them. They will find ways; subtle ideas to manipulate who it is they feel they need to; in some cases, everyone they come in contact with. Controlling people are extremely selfish, utterly immature, constantly and consistently right. They're co-dependent (a form of addiction but to another person), narcissistic (fascination with self), and displays sociopathic tendencies (disregards/violate others). Each one is slightly different and the easiest way to deal with such people is getting as far away from them as possible. The chance of them or yourself living a fulfilling life is unthinkable perhaps even impossible.
People like this have a long road ahead of them, not realizing they don't have what it is they really want because they're constantly trying to be in control of all situations. In my attempt to help the young lady even further, I decided to tell her about a lady I worked with. This lady was an extreme control freak; at home, at work, in the grocery store, where ever she was and could open her mouth; she did her best to take control and keep it. Some of her behaviors were similar to those I briefly identified earlier. I actually witnessed her behavior; she had it bad. I remember overhearing a conversation with hers and a bill collector. She blamed the bill not being paid because her husband was suppose to pay it; she was furious when she hung up the phone, resulting in her explanation only to appear as if she was the "victim" as oppose to just paying the bill she herself accumulated when her bathroom tiles had been replaced. I couldn't believe my ears, but she honestly believed she was right and not paying a bill wasn't her fault.
Even with telling this story, it wasn't enough to show the negative side of this behavior. And the last thing I want is for the young lady to live life as drab as this other woman. The other ladies life is in shambles. I can't begin to tell you what she is up against. But I will say controlling behaviors aren't by choice. People like this need help changing their thinking in order to change their actions.
One theory has been said, we have four psychological functions that are important when referring to human personality. In the case of controlling behavior it is said, one, perhaps more of these functions are being blocked. Basically, it could be a number of things that could trigger such behaviors; therefore, it cannot be instantly corrected. However, if it's worth living a fulfilling life, the faster you receive help the better off you will be. I'm a strong believer in positive psychology and I also believe this would be a step in the right direction in order to receive help.

Attract Good Luck in Your Life Easily

It's said nothing worth having comes easy. That's not always true. Many fortunes in life are subjective, and good luck is often one of those things.
From shamrocks to Bonsai trees, some people think they can spend their way to bringing good luck in their lives. There's an easier way though. Instead of spending money on things, why not keep your cash? Spend time on you.
Follow these easy steps to attract the good luck you're looking for.
Be specific and detailed.What kind of luck do you want? Are you looking for luck in love, career or somewhere in particular? If so, make sure that you know exactly what you want to attract to you. The more specific you are, the more likely it is to happen.
Write it and speak it.The power of words is no fallacy. Words that are written and spoken have the power to either create or destroy. If you want to create good luck and attract it to you, write it on paper as specific and detailed as possible, then read it to yourself out loud.
Send it up and out.If you are someone who prays, read what you wrote to God too. This is your divine prayer, asking for what you need or desire. If you are someone who intends, then what you wrote is your intention. Send it out to the universe by reading the words aloud and response will come to you. Most people practice both intention and prayer, so do what feels most comfortable.
Let go and detach.Once you have sent your desires outward, there is no need to do it again. What is done is not forgotten and what is shown does not go unseen. Let go and know that you have been heard, detaching yourself fully from the how's and why's your good luck will finally happen. Those are up to a source much bigger, and you don't need to do that job.
Have faith and believe.This is the most important step, so pay close attention. You cannot attract anything into your life that you don't believe you deserve. If you want to attract good luck, then you must believe with all your heart that you deserve every good piece of luck coming your way, and you must maintain the faith that it will come at exactly the time it's supposed to. Squash any doubts immediately and return to your solid belief.
Take actions and create space.Once you've decided and sent it up and out, start taking at least one action daily that's consistent with the good luck you want. For example, if you want luck in money, start paying yourself every day by putting all your spare change in a money jar that you have personally made. This action sends the message that you are serious about wanting more money to come to you, and the jar you spent time making is the space you've created for more money to be. Your options here are endless. Do what feels right to you, daily.
Recognize negatives and transform them to good.As you are attracting good luck to you, remember that everything is not going to be good, and that bad things happen to everyone sometimes. This doesn't mean that your good luck isn't coming. It means that you are a normal human being. Use the energy that comes when not so great things happen, to turn them around and transform them into good. The more you practice, the better you'll get at it. Always remember, regardless of where it comes from, energy is like a log. Put it on the fire of your choice and watch it burn. Start a good luck fire for you.
Celebrate others' good luck and attract.Seek it out constantly, and feel true happiness when others experience good luck in their lives. The more you seek good luck out, the more evidence you'll have to support your faith and beliefs that it will happen for you. Think about how great those people must feel to receive such goodness, and let yourself feel those feelings too. The more supportive you are in the luck of others, the more supportive you become to yourself in your own creative process.
Practice these steps in a single aspect of your life in which you want to have good luck. If you're serious about putting them into action, you'll begin to see it building in short time. Seeing it will increase your confidence to start practicing the steps more and more. And after you know it, your faith in your own ability to create good luck in your life will be bold and unbreakable.
Open yourself up fully to it, believe in it with all your heart and welcome what you want into your life. Good luck to you!
Get more inspiration in your life from this author at Thank you for reading.

Communication: How Do You Make People Feel?

When it comes to communicating and connecting with others it is rarely what one says that is important. This means that the words that are used are only a very small part of the equation. How something is said will make a bigger difference than what is said.
But this is not the focus of this article; the point is to look at another aspect and one that shapes how someone will feel once a conversation has come to an end.
The Quote
There is a quote by Maya Angelou that says - ''I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel''. And this quote encompasses exactly what I am talking about here.
The words that are exchanged during a conversation can not only be forgotten about after, they can also be forgotten about during the conversation. And as this quote states, what won't be forgotten about is how the conversations makes someone feel.
I believe this is an important distinction to remember when it comes to having good conversations and creating great connections with people. One thing the mind will often do is create associations around people. These then become how one sees the other person and this then creates how one feels about them and thinks about the person.
So when the person comes to mind, the associations will be fired up automatically and this will shape how one sees the other person. And the associations are largely formed by how one felt around the other person.
Do's And Don'ts
When it comes to behaving in a way that is likely to make someone feel good and to create positive associations; there are some do and don'ts. But, this is often something that one will come to know through experience. People are not all the same and therefore what might be positive for one person may not be positive for another.
I would say that it is important to be aware of how the other person is responding during an interaction. To be aware from the outset that the other person will remember how they felt more than anything else.
Words and behaviours can have different meanings for different people. One of the areas that people are sensitive to and therefore has to be spoken about carefully or even avoided - is there weight.
Due to the pressures that people can feel around there weight it doesn't matter where someone is on the spectrum. And unless what one says about another person's weight is more of less guaranteed to make them feel good, it is best avoided in my eyes.
Sincere Compliments
What one can do to make another person feel good is to provide sincere compliments and feedback. This does not mean saying something just to get a positive response. It involves being completely present and in the moment. This means not getting caught up in one's mind and losing awareness of what is being communicated.
Form here, one can listen to the other person and respond accordingly. Does it mean that one will always say the right thing? No, but the chance will be greater as a result of being in the moment and not being caught in the mind.
The key
The key here is to be aware of the responses that one has in their interactions. There will be times when one can say something positive and it will be taken the wrong way. That can't be avoided; what one can do is remove anything that is sure to bring about negative reactions from people.
The thing to avoid is putting someone down through criticism, sarcasm or humour for example. For some people this will be obvious and yet for many people, it is part of their conversational toolbox.
Often all it takes is to become aware of something and from here, one can apply what they have come to realise. And like most things in life, the more that it is done, the easier it will be.
My name is Oliver J R Cooper and I have been on a journey of self awareness for over nine years and for many years prior to that I had a natural curiosity.
For over two years, I have been writing articles. These cover psychology and communication. This has also lead to poetry.
One of my intentions is to be a catalyst to others, as other people have been and continue to be to me. As well as writing articles and creating poetry, I also offer personal coaching. To find out more go to -
Feel free to join the Facebook Group -

Inspiration Starts With Perspiration

In the early days, art was more than just something you could do with paint bought at a store. It required hard work, knowing the right tools and materials for the job, and actually being able to sit down and achieve what you wanted to do. Even painting required a basic knowledge of chemistry and a much greater knowledge of how to get the right minerals and oils to mix. It was through these labors of love that we got some of the most inspiring masterpieces in history, and it will be exactly how you will reach a higher level in your life's endeavors.
Anything Worth Doing is Worth Doing Well
There is no such thing as an easy masterpiece. It is as true in art as it is in life. If you want to make a life worth living, then you may have to do it with your bare hands. Some of the greatest artists and industrialists of our time have started from humble beginnings, and through their hard work they have found something important that pushes us all to strive for greater things: inspiration.
Where Inspiration Hides
By now, you may be curious as to how simply working hard will inspire you. In all honesty, it is not hard work alone that will do the job, but instead by being "awake" while you do that work. Just like the experienced boxer who knows how to form the right fist, it will only be through actually going through the motions that you will know how to innovate and improve your craft, regardless of what it is. It takes time and paying attention.
Walk Before You Can Run
Inspiration comes from perspiration, and not the other way around. Without first putting in the work, you may not really be able to understand what you are being inspired about, or where that inspiration may actually be leading you. Put time into work, but do not put work into time; let the process of inspiration happen naturally.
Know It When You See It
Most importantly, inspiration may not be a flash of light or a "eureka" moment. You may just realize that you could be doing something a little smarter. Those small moments of inspiration are actually going to be the fundamental building blocks of what will be your big breakthrough. Treat each one as a stepping stone as you climb toward greater achievement.
Doug Dvorak is the CEO of DMG Inc., a worldwide organization that assists clients with productivity training, corporate humor and workshops, as well as other aspects of sales and marketing management. Mr. Dvorak's clients are characterized as Fortune 1000 companies, small to medium businesses, civic organizations and service businesses. Mr. Dvorak has earned an international reputation for his powerful educational methods and motivational techniques, as well as his experience in all levels of business, corporate education and success training.

Inspiration Starts With Perspiration

In the early days, art was more than just something you could do with paint bought at a store. It required hard work, knowing the right tools and materials for the job, and actually being able to sit down and achieve what you wanted to do. Even painting required a basic knowledge of chemistry and a much greater knowledge of how to get the right minerals and oils to mix. It was through these labors of love that we got some of the most inspiring masterpieces in history, and it will be exactly how you will reach a higher level in your life's endeavors.
Anything Worth Doing is Worth Doing Well
There is no such thing as an easy masterpiece. It is as true in art as it is in life. If you want to make a life worth living, then you may have to do it with your bare hands. Some of the greatest artists and industrialists of our time have started from humble beginnings, and through their hard work they have found something important that pushes us all to strive for greater things: inspiration.
Where Inspiration Hides
By now, you may be curious as to how simply working hard will inspire you. In all honesty, it is not hard work alone that will do the job, but instead by being "awake" while you do that work. Just like the experienced boxer who knows how to form the right fist, it will only be through actually going through the motions that you will know how to innovate and improve your craft, regardless of what it is. It takes time and paying attention.
Walk Before You Can Run
Inspiration comes from perspiration, and not the other way around. Without first putting in the work, you may not really be able to understand what you are being inspired about, or where that inspiration may actually be leading you. Put time into work, but do not put work into time; let the process of inspiration happen naturally.
Know It When You See It
Most importantly, inspiration may not be a flash of light or a "eureka" moment. You may just realize that you could be doing something a little smarter. Those small moments of inspiration are actually going to be the fundamental building blocks of what will be your big breakthrough. Treat each one as a stepping stone as you climb toward greater achievement.
Doug Dvorak is the CEO of DMG Inc., a worldwide organization that assists clients with productivity training, corporate humor and workshops, as well as other aspects of sales and marketing management. Mr. Dvorak's clients are characterized as Fortune 1000 companies, small to medium businesses, civic organizations and service businesses. Mr. Dvorak has earned an international reputation for his powerful educational methods and motivational techniques, as well as his experience in all levels of business, corporate education and success training.

A Spiritual View of Procrastination

Procrastination is an inability to be in one state totally. It's not a problem of a lack of activity, but a lack of consciousness.
There is the thing you want to do, and there is the state of not doing it, which bothers you. You are not totally "doing" - for whatever reason - but you refuse to totally "not do". You are not allowing anything to be real - the doing or the not doing. And you can only move forward from a real place - not from an unreal place.
So if you are not doing, but you don't accept it inside, you become unreal. And then you cannot move out of it. So the first step is to be something, one thing, totally: Either doing or not doing. If you cannot be completely doing, then completely not do. Don't say, "I am not doing but I refuse to accept it, I should be doing." Nothing will come from that, no life can flow from it because it is a barren state. There is no life in it, no consciousness, no presence. It is only a refusal.
So first be real, be something - whatever it is. Then you have something, instead of having nothing. "To him who has, more shall be given," is a phrase in the Bible, which is really metaphysical instruction. The other half of the verse is, "From him who has not, even what he has shall be taken." It means if you refuse to accept - either doing or not doing, totally - you have nothing and this nothing will grow and eat up the rest of your life with disconnection.
So be someone who has. If you are procrastinating, unable to do, let go of the unreal and let the not doing be real. Be, live in, and experience the not doing completely. Then you are alive, in the real sense. There is nothing you are fighting; you are integrated, one with life. You are whole, not fragmented. This life can then move, it has its own activity, which is the nature of life: Activity, expression. Real life always moves, expands, expresses. It does not need forcing.
Then out of this life a burst of movement will come; you will do what you wanted to do, but it will be greater, more vital, than what you could have planned. It will be genius instead of intellect. Maybe it takes three days instead of three hours to get going - but the result will more than make up for the apparent loss of time. Genius will give you a book in two weeks that you could not have written in two months using only intellect.
Contact Bythos Lewis for coaching to dynamically transform your relationship to life, work, and inner fulfillment. -

You Wouldn't Go Out Looking Like That Would You?

We all have that old favorite pair of sweat pants and a wrinkled shirt that we often lounge around the house in, right? Particularly when we know that no one is around and the likelihood of being face-to-face with someone other than an immediate family member is a minimal risk. You know that look don't you? No shower, maybe a little pillow-hair and looking pretty scary versus your normal "together" self. You'd never leave the house in that condition, would you? NFW!
In terms of image, there's one thing we all have in common: When we have an important social event, a business meeting or client interaction we put our best foot forward. And on those really special occasions we might even get a fresh haircut and purchase something new to wear--all in an effort to make a quality impression and hedge our chances of success by carefully controlling the image that we portray to others. We all have different looks for different occasions but one thing's for certain... if we know someone important is going to be looking or evaluating us we go out of our way to be not only on our best behavior but we make ourselves look the best we possibly can--we naturally want to impress as it seems to be both common sense as well as an intelligent act of self-promotion.
So, what about your online presence? Your digital footprint? That seemingly ubiquitous presence you now have with all of your online profiles, activities and interactions. And those profiles are visible 24/7 to anyone in the world galaxy that decides to look. And yet many choose to have a crappy photo or no photograph at all, complete with background information that is sketchy and in many cases with grammar that could use some serious work. You're on display to the world around-the-clock and you're presenting yourself in the equivalent of that old pair of sweats and the wrinkled shirt. Really? We can probably all agree that a sketchy, incomplete and poorly worded profile won't provoke any confidence with the person looking at your profile or social resume. People with these types of profiles should definitely rein in their expectations, as there's little chance of an offer... of any kind.
Search engine functionality has improved to the point that anything and everyone can be found. If your profile is constructed properly, positioned strategically and coordinated with the proper keywords and phrases--you will be found and you might want to be looking the digital equivalent of professionally polished. Passive recruiting has always been popular among search firms but the transparency caused by today's search functionality has given worldwide access to anyone interested in performing a search. That includes the larger search firms all the way down to the one person HR department. Maybe it's a start-up looking for advisors or a board looking for expertise. Someone, somewhere is attempting to match people with opportunities... are you discoverable? Moreover, are you presentable?
Seriously, take a shower, comb your hair, put on your best outfit and make yourself presentable--meaningful people with meaningful opportunities are looking for people just like you and you'll want to be the most presentable virtual version of yourself whenever they might choose to look your way.

What Exactly Is Shallow?

Well lets start with what the dictionary defines as shallow.
A term that is massively overused. It usually means a man/woman who only judges by looks and not by personality.
Hmm, so that's what it means to be shallow, to judge only looks and not personality...
So if I judge an unattractive woman as someone I don't want to date, does that make me shallow? I'm not factoring in her personality of course, she might be the nicest woman in the entire world, she might be funny, smart, kind, caring, understanding and athletic... well maybe not athletic but lets say she's full of positive traits, yet I am not attracted to her, am I shallow? Does that make me a bad person because I judged based on looks? hmm...
A lot of (wo)men are called shallow because they aren't willing to date someone unless they are of a certain level of attractiveness, we call these people shallow because they don't give a chance to people who Do want to date them, but instead run off and try to find someone attractive, how shallow.
Yet I don't find that a bad thing, is it wrong to pursue what you want? If we compare people to jobs and everyone has a dream job and wont settle for something else, is it so different with people? If you want the person you will spend the rest of your life with to be attractive, is that a bad thing? is it Shallow?
But what if the person You like doesn't feel the same way about you? Ahh, you ask them out and they say no, That's so shallow of them, they didn't want to date me so of course the fault is with them, how rude, how hurtful, how shallow.
Now the shoe is on the other foot, we are judging others for things we have all probably done in our life, we judge them for rejecting now, for making us feel bad, and to get back at them we call them shallow, hollow only interested in looks.
But I am drifting from my point here, and that is that few people are truly shallow, the rest of the people just want to be with someone they think completes them and looks are only skin deep yet that's what brings us to people, that's what makes us get close to them, but after we get close we find out there is so much more to them then just a pretty face, they have their own interests and hobbies, their own problems and pains, their own history and dreams, and we spend so much time with them we forget about their looks and focus on the things we cant see, the things that really matter underneath...
I don't think that's shallow at all ^.^

Every Problem Is Minor, Unless It's Yours

So to start out with I'll talk about something that has been on my mind a lot recently, and its not something you hear about a lot, what is it?
It's Empathy.
"the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another. "
Seems overly scientific, basically it's just we feel what others feel without being in their situation, sounds easy? Well... no
The thing is a lot of people minimize others problems and consider them small and insignificant, its only when that same problem happens to us that we realize just how bad and painful it can be.
Ever had someone come to you with a problem that you just found ridiculous? Or seemed like such a small tiny affair to you? And what do we all say in those situations?
"Oh it will be fine, I'm sure it will pass, just be patient, relax, don't get mad, it will all work out I'm sure."
We like to think we are helping people by saying that, but we're not, we like to think we're being nice and empathic, but we're not. We are simply going through the motions and words we "think" they want to hear, because they are the easy thing to say, its just simpler to provide meaningless advice and problem-solving solutions than to to just sit and be quiet and actually listen.
We aren't feeling what they are, or doing anything useful, all we're doing is telling them the same crap everyone else is saying, stuff they already know. So what exactly should we do?
Honestly, I find the best thing to do is be quiet and actually try to imagine what they're feeling, I haven't been in their situation but I have been hurt before, so we should all try to offer less problem solving suggestions and more plain listening and understanding.
Everyone has their issues just like you do, and just like you their issues are big problems that depress them, next time a friend comes to you with their heart broken and feelings bared, do them a favor and help by listening to them, not by telling them " time heals all wounds" because believe me someone else has done that, what other people haven't done yet is be quiet and hear them out and let them say all they have to say. That is the biggest help we can provide sometimes.

A Spiritual View of Procrastination

Procrastination is an inability to be in one state totally. It's not a problem of a lack of activity, but a lack of consciousness.
There is the thing you want to do, and there is the state of not doing it, which bothers you. You are not totally "doing" - for whatever reason - but you refuse to totally "not do". You are not allowing anything to be real - the doing or the not doing. And you can only move forward from a real place - not from an unreal place.
So if you are not doing, but you don't accept it inside, you become unreal. And then you cannot move out of it. So the first step is to be something, one thing, totally: Either doing or not doing. If you cannot be completely doing, then completely not do. Don't say, "I am not doing but I refuse to accept it, I should be doing." Nothing will come from that, no life can flow from it because it is a barren state. There is no life in it, no consciousness, no presence. It is only a refusal.
So first be real, be something - whatever it is. Then you have something, instead of having nothing. "To him who has, more shall be given," is a phrase in the Bible, which is really metaphysical instruction. The other half of the verse is, "From him who has not, even what he has shall be taken." It means if you refuse to accept - either doing or not doing, totally - you have nothing and this nothing will grow and eat up the rest of your life with disconnection.
So be someone who has. If you are procrastinating, unable to do, let go of the unreal and let the not doing be real. Be, live in, and experience the not doing completely. Then you are alive, in the real sense. There is nothing you are fighting; you are integrated, one with life. You are whole, not fragmented. This life can then move, it has its own activity, which is the nature of life: Activity, expression. Real life always moves, expands, expresses. It does not need forcing.
Then out of this life a burst of movement will come; you will do what you wanted to do, but it will be greater, more vital, than what you could have planned. It will be genius instead of intellect. Maybe it takes three days instead of three hours to get going - but the result will more than make up for the apparent loss of time. Genius will give you a book in two weeks that you could not have written in two months using only intellect.
Contact Bythos Lewis for coaching to dynamically transform your relationship to life, work, and inner fulfillment. -

Self Help - Change Your Beliefs To Change Your Life

The farmer had rescued the baby cockatoo after it had fallen from a tree and landed on the ground in front of his tractor. With no way to return the baby cockatoo to its nest, the farmer brought it home, fed it and was now wondering what to do with it. Just then he heard a cackle from his hen house and hit upon a brilliant idea.
The baby cockatoo lived in the hen house and quickly learned to mimic the rooster's crow in the morning, the hen's cackle during the day as she laid eggs and her cluck while with her chickens. Every night he fluffed his beautiful white feathers, climbed the roost and settled in beside the 'other' hens for a good night's rest. He ate with the chickens, sounded like a chicken (although he could also do a fairly creditable imitation of the farmer laughing) and walked with the chickens. In fact, he thought he was a chicken and life as a chicken was good.
Then one sunny day he wandered a little further from the chicken house than usual. He saw the farmer's dog streaking towards him and knew he was in trouble. In his panic he found that he could use his beak and claws to climb the nearby tree and escape. It was while he was in the tree checking whether it was safe to return to the ground that he chanced to glance up in response to a very noisy racket coming from the tall gum tree next to his. There in the tree were the most beautiful snowy white birds he had ever seen, they made the most beautiful noise he had ever heard and... they could fly!!!, "I wonder if I could make that noise?" So he tried and he could. "I wonder if I could fly?" So he tried... and he did. He became the world's first flying, screeching chicken to have a gaggle of cockatoos as his friends.
For many years I pondered the relationship between my beliefs, reality and the truth. The more I experienced and saw, the more I came to realize how personal beliefs were, how easily they could be changed and frequently what little relationship they had to reality (if in fact there is one).
Beliefs are convictions you hold to be "true" in life. You were not born with your beliefs. You have chosen your beliefs. You start with an idea and the more support it receives, the stronger the belief eventually becomes. Many of your beliefs are based upon memories of the meanings you placed on past events. Your brain clumps events into categories and places the same meaning on a current event of a particular category as it did for events of that category in the past. These beliefs may no longer be true or helpful to you as:
  • You saw the past event through your previous filters;
  • Your view of the event was not reality;
  • There were many other meanings you could have placed upon the same event; and
  • You are now a different person with different filters from the one who previously placed a meaning upon the event.
Your decisions form the cornerstones of your beliefs. First, something objective happens, and then you make subjective decisions about what to believe about life based on that experience. Two people can have the same experience and make very different choices. For example, two children in the same family could be told by their father they will never amount to anything. One may decide that, because parents know everything, the statement is true. This child chooses to believe she cannot achieve anything of value. Meanwhile, the other child decides to prove the parent wrong and he goes on to become very successful. Your present life is a result of all the decisions you have made in the past.
Your beliefs also provide the boundaries for what you believe is possible. The bigger you can believe, the bigger you can achieve. For example, if you believe that you can learn anything, then your experience of life is going to be very different from someone who believes he/she is not that smart and has difficulty learning anything new.
Did you realize that Beethoven and Thomas Edison were deaf, Julius Caesar suffered from epilepsy and Charles Dickens was lame?
We have beliefs that empower us such as:
  • The sun will come up every day;
  • I have a great singing voice;
  • I am a good and loyal friend;
  • I don't indulge in gossip;
  • Flossing my teeth will help stop cavities; and
  • It is safer to stop at red lights.
We also have beliefs that hinder or limit our potential in life such as:
  • I find it difficult to learn new things;
  • I am too old to get another job;
  • I don't deserve abundance;
  • I am not worthy of having a loving relationship; and
  • I will never be wealthy.
Although it is initially a challenging concept, it is possible for you to make choices about your beliefs. You are the one who created and chose your existing beliefs. As your beliefs are merely a function of the filters used in your reticular activating system you can change them.
The power of belief is beautifully illustrated by the story of an inspirational man, Roger Bannister. Prior to 6 May 1954, it was generally believed that it was humanly impossible to run a mile in less than 4 minutes. Then on 6 May 1954, Roger Bannister ran the mile in the time of 3 minutes 59.4 seconds. His race changed the belief people had about what was possible. Within 12 months of Roger breaking the 4 minute barrier, 37 other people had done the same thing. The next year an amazing 300 people broke the barrier. Today, college students routinely run this distance in less than 4 minutes.
Beliefs That Limit Us In Life
You are limited in life by what you believe is possible. There are people with fewer natural talents and greater disadvantages than you who will achieve more simply because they believe they can.
Beliefs about yourself become self-fulfilling prophecies. If you believe you are a failure you will set yourself unrealistically high standards, then notice all the times you fail to exceed them. You will put your successes down to luck and your failures down to you. If you believe in yourself, you set yourself realistic goals and give yourself credit, you notice your successes and celebrate your attempts.
For example, within 2 years of winning Lotto, 80% of people who believe themselves to be 'poor people' are worse off than before they won Lotto.
It can even be the case that other people's beliefs about what you are capable of can have an impact upon what you achieve.
In 1968 Rosenthal and Jacobson conducted an experiment is U.S school on self-fulfilling prophecies. They randomly selected children in classrooms. They then told the teachers in these classrooms that due to special testing, the performance of these children in the classroom would increase by the end of the year (there was no basis for this assertion). At the end of the year, all the children in the classroom were tested.The teachers "beliefs" about the special children came true. They had an average IQ increase of more than 10% over the other children.
Where do your limiting beliefs about yourself and your abilities come from? They come from constant reinforcement from your parents, friends, teachers and our own self-talk. Research has shown that:
  • A parent on average gives 8 lots of criticism to each lot of praise to a child; and
  • 95% of children have a negative self-image by the time they are 14.
The impact that beliefs from your younger years has upon your life is known as the "baby elephant syndrome" and comes from the way circus elephants were trained. A baby elephant was attached to a long chain by one of its ankles and secured to a large spike hammered deep into the ground. The elephant could not escape. As the elephant grew larger, the circus kept the same chain on its ankle, and by the time the elephant was fully grown, only a few links of chain dangling from its ankle were sufficient to ensure the elephant would not escape. Why? Psychologists call it 'conditioning'. The elephant was held back by past memories of when it was too small to escape. Without the memories of its past conditioning, the elephant would be easily able to escape.
Many people live with the effects of conditioning from their youth in their lives. Fortunately, history is also riddled with wonderful counter examples of people who succeeded and prospered despite being constantly told by others that they would never amount to anything. The difference between these people and those who did not prosper came from choosing not to take on the beliefs that others had about them and their abilities.
Your ability to change your beliefs in a heartbeat is illustrated in the following story that was distributed on the Internet several years ago.
While a woman was waiting for her plane at London's Heathrow Airport, she purchased a package of English shortbread cookies. Making her way to a seating area, she carefully arranged her luggage and was getting settled when a man approached and indicated by pleasant gesture that he would like to occupy the seat next to her. She nodded and he sat down.
After a few moments, the woman decided to eat some of the cookies she had purchased, and she reached down to get them. As she opened the package, she noticed the man beside her watching with great interest. She took the first cookie and began to eat when, to her great surprise, the man reached over, smiling, and took the second cookie.
The woman ate her cookie in stunned silence, astonished at the audacity of the man. After a moment she determinedly reached for the third cookie, but no sooner had she taken it out of the package than he, smiling and without a word, reached over and took the fourth. Her indignation rose as back and forth they went in total silence, she taking a cookie, he taking a cookie, until they reached the bottom of the package where the final cookie remained.
Without hesitation, the man reached over and took it, broke it in half and cheerfully handed her one of the pieces. The woman took her half of the cookie with an icy glare. After finishing his half, the man stood, still smiling. With a polite bow, he turned and walked away.
The woman could not believe that anyone could be so arrogant and rude. She was extremely flustered and her stomach churning. Making her way back to the airport gift shop, she picked up a package of antacid. As she opened her purse to get the money to pay for it, she stopped short.
There in the bag was HER unopened package of shortbread cookies.
As beliefs are largely unconscious, how do you find out what your beliefs about yourself are? Easy. By listening to your self-talk.
Your Self-Talk
'That voice inside your head is not the voice of God. It just sounds like it thinks it is." - Cheri Huber
Your self-talk is your 'voice within'. It is the little voice inside your head that you hold conversations with. Some of us have an inner cheer squad and some of us have an inner critic. Here is an example of the difference.
You make a mistake at work. The inner critic says, "You fool! You really stuffed up this time." An inner cheer squad says, "OK. That was a good learning experience. Let's not do that again".
Buy a small notebook. Every time for the next fortnight that you indulge in self-talk, jot down what you say to yourself. Don't judge, just notice what you say to yourself and how often you say it. Identifying your current self-talk habits is half the journey towards more positive self-talk. What have you said to yourself already today? Listen closely as your self-talk will reveal some unconscious beliefs that will surprise you.
Your self-talk journey may reveal that you have a harsh inner critic. The worst critic is the one who lives in your own mind. You can use the following technique to overcome the inner critic. Become aware of how you speak to yourself and consciously start taking steps to change it.
Considering the limiting beliefs that many of us have about ourselves, we lead some very amazing lives. Imagine what we could do if we actually had a powerful self-image and self-belief.
Petris Lapis, Director of Keys To Potential Pty Ltd the new and exciting approach to personal growth, easy unconscious change, self help, opening your heart and unlocking your potential for a fuller more magnificent life. Visit now to book your seat at the next workshop.