Advice on Taking Advice

From the title I guess you could say this is advice-ception.
The human mind is an amazing thing, it can do a million operations at a time, we can think, dream plan ahead with this amazing tool, yet our minds also hate change and do whatever they can to find fault with the world and not with ourselves.
As a species we don't do well with taking advice, because we are too used to blaming other people for any bad situation we are in, its easy to find faults in them, finding faults in ourselves? Uhh, we don't have faults to find anyway remember?
Still we do like to ask for advice when in a tight spot, we want to hear what other people say and how they can help us, the problem with asking for advice is after we hear it, we almost always dismiss it, believing we know best and ignoring what other people have to say.
We're not perfect, everyone says that easily, its something we all heard "nobody is perfect" yet for some reason we still think we know better than anyone else.
Listen to the message, not the messenger.
One reason I personally don't listen to people is I tend to ignore what they are saying, and focus on the person saying it instead. They can be telling me real solutions to what I'm going through, but instead of listening to their advice I instead focus on the faults of the person talking and reach the conclusion that if they have problems themselves, why should I listen to them?
The best personal example I can think of is when it comes to driving, I'm the only one in my family who drives which means I will be driving in any sort of family gathering or event, and whenever one of those happens someone will point out some flaw I have while I drive.
"Signal earlier"
"Put more space between you and other cars"
"Slow down, we're not in a rush"
Is any of the above bad advice? No it all makes sense, but instead of thinking about what they say my mind automatically goes "they cant drive, why should I listen to them? They don't know what they are talking about."
Yet I might avoid an accident if I just listen to such basic advice without getting full of myself.
Judging the messenger and not the message is the easiest way of ignoring advice, if a serial killer said " Killing is bad" most of us would go "who is he to tell us that?" instead of just agreeing with the simple fact that killing is indeed a bad thing.
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Self Improvement Advice for Men - Finding Out Who the Real You Really Is

One of the challenges that we all face as men, is to really try to figure out who the real person we are is. See, most guys are conditioned to become followers of other men. They look to other guys to show them the model of who they are supposed to be. The problem is, that sometimes you can end up modeling the wrong guys and as a result, you end up coming across like someone you don't want to be or someone that doesn't really seem like who you really are.
Here are some tips that you can use to help yourself find out who you really are:
1. Ask yourself, what kind of life do you really want to live?
Not enough men ask themselves this question and as a result, they don't really ever put themselves on track to become the man that they want to be. You can't have no direction and expect to end up in the right place, right? You wouldn't expect that you can just jump in your car and start driving and you'd end up in California. What if you didn't head west, but were headed east instead? You'd have no chance at all of ending up in California. Yet, a lot of men do that with their life. They don't know where they are going, so they end up on the wrong path and by that time, they feel like it is too late to make the changes that they need to make. It's never too late, but the sooner you can put yourself on the right path, the better.
2. Ask yourself, what kind of life DON'T you want to live?
It's also good to ask yourself what it is that you don't want to do and what you don't want to experience. This can help you if need to find some clarity on what you do really want. If you know, for example, that you don't want to end up being married, then you know that pursuing those kinds of relationships that would lead to marriage are going to be the wrong choice for you. On the other hand, if you DO want to be married, then ending up with nothing but a string of one night stands probably isn't going to put you on that path.
3. Reject conformity if it doesn't serve you.
This is hard to do. We are conditioned to conform. A lot of the time, guys who don't conform are look down upon. Yet, they also tend to be the ones that live exciting lives. Take a look at Richard Branson. Most billionaire businessmen dress and look like a billionaire businessmen. Boring. Branson, doesn't on the other hand. He doesn't conform to what he is supposed to look like and do the things that he is supposed to do. Instead, he has fun. I'd take his life over the life of a guy who doesn't have fun any day of the week.
Do you have more than one goal you are pursuing right now? Read this: and if you want more advice on having the right state of mind, go here:

Faith - Just Enough to Live

Life is much like how a shark moves. Sharks must keep swimming. In staying spiritually alive, we also must keep moving in the direction of progress. And progress is keeping to the path that God has set for our lives, remembering that there are possibly many right paths we might keep to.
But, we are apt to forget - and this is important - progress doesn't always mean advancement or enhancement. Progress can mean simply keeping up. Progress can also mean recognising we have lagged behind.
Progress is simply seeing God's will and responding.
For anyone who is on the road to burn out, who is contemplating how they will get through the day or the week or the month or the year, their request of God is faith just enough to live. These don't require much from the Lord, just a gentle strength to keep responding well a moment at a time.
There is a prize to such faith; to simply keep going on our God-decreed passage.
Perhaps the most encouraging knowledge we can have about faith is that only a little as required; only enough to keep us going; only enough to get us through; and what is sufficient in God's grace is always enough.
As we venture forth succeeding in our moments, as we bear them patiently, resisting the flexion of our frustration, we are winning the moment.
Winning the moment is not all there is, though it's the most important thing for our spiritual sanity. Winning the moment is only part of the story. Adding to the power of winning the moment is the idea of reflecting in the present moment.
This is about reminding ourselves of our faithfulness in trusting God.
God wants us encouraged. God wants us to know when he is pleased with us.
We never get a big head from recognising such truths, because we are recognising God's provision in getting from A to B, then from C to D, etc.
When we notice our resilience, we notice also the faithfulness of God, and it helps us continue; to endure. As we endure, our mustard-seed faith grows and matures.
This is why it's so important to be encouraged by other people, because they validate what we may already know. Recognition is encouragement.
Life is tough enough that faith is required just to live. None of us are immune to problems, just as none of us are saved from them. We don't need huge portions of faith; just enough to do is all that is required. When faith is kept simple it is at its most powerful. By faith we connect our problems with winning moments.
© 2013 S. J. Wickham.
Steve Wickham is a Baptist Pastor and a Registered Safety Practitioner and holds Degrees in Science, Divinity, and Counselling. Steve writes at: and

Somewhere, Someone

We all get caught up with things that are going on in our immediate environment, sometimes it's hard to imagine what's going on somewhere else in the world. This might bring you a little closer in thought and hopefully in heart.
While you are eating; somewhere, someone is hungry. As you are laughing; somewhere, someone is shedding a tear. While you are holding your newborn; somewhere, someone is dying. As you are reciting your vows; somewhere, someone's heart is being broken. When you were out dancing; somewhere, someone is learning how to walk all over again. While you are singing; somewhere, someone is praying for their voice to be heard.
Life has its ups and downs. You are not guaranteed a great time every moment of every day. You learn to grab and hold on to those moments that make you smile and your heart feel good. You have to experience the bad things so that you can appreciate the good things, you have to have something to compare the good times to. Just as you know what it's like to be surrounded by loving people, you also know what it feels like to be alone, but you don't want to be lonely.
To me life is a heartbeat that is felt throughout the universe. That one heartbeat can be felt by so many and is bonded with people through experiences and feelings. We are not all different, we are all the same. We just haven't realized it yet, that will take generations to come. There is no good or bad, just what our perception of it is, and that perception varies from one generation to the next.
For those who have a hardened heart, while you wallow in anger and spend your precious time and energy seeking ways to seek revenge; someone somewhere is wrapping their loving arms around a baby struggling to breathe. You can either carry on old ways, or look at this baby, (a new life, a new breath), and see it as hope for a new generation that knows no anger, that knows only love; and you can teach it how to give and receive. The gift you give yourself is prosperity which is produced from love.
Just as you experience both good and bad events in your life, you also have choices to do good and bad things. Your heart is either pure; to help mankind make a better world for the next generation, or your heart has been hardened by past events and you cannot see outside of your own hatred and despair. Only you know the difference, and only you can change things. Give love and hope, not hate and despair. Which would you want your child to know?
My website,, offers hope and encouragement to others. Talk, Share, Learn, and Listen.
I wrote four books "Walk in Peace" & "My Soulful Journey" and "The Wishing Well" and "The Green Rabbit" which can be purchased on my website, and
I also have a Blog Talk Radio show. I have interviewed people regarding all subject matter. Feel free to listen to the archives at:

Faith - Just Enough to Live

Life is much like how a shark moves. Sharks must keep swimming. In staying spiritually alive, we also must keep moving in the direction of progress. And progress is keeping to the path that God has set for our lives, remembering that there are possibly many right paths we might keep to.
But, we are apt to forget - and this is important - progress doesn't always mean advancement or enhancement. Progress can mean simply keeping up. Progress can also mean recognising we have lagged behind.
Progress is simply seeing God's will and responding.
For anyone who is on the road to burn out, who is contemplating how they will get through the day or the week or the month or the year, their request of God is faith just enough to live. These don't require much from the Lord, just a gentle strength to keep responding well a moment at a time.
There is a prize to such faith; to simply keep going on our God-decreed passage.
Perhaps the most encouraging knowledge we can have about faith is that only a little as required; only enough to keep us going; only enough to get us through; and what is sufficient in God's grace is always enough.
As we venture forth succeeding in our moments, as we bear them patiently, resisting the flexion of our frustration, we are winning the moment.
Winning the moment is not all there is, though it's the most important thing for our spiritual sanity. Winning the moment is only part of the story. Adding to the power of winning the moment is the idea of reflecting in the present moment.
This is about reminding ourselves of our faithfulness in trusting God.
God wants us encouraged. God wants us to know when he is pleased with us.
We never get a big head from recognising such truths, because we are recognising God's provision in getting from A to B, then from C to D, etc.
When we notice our resilience, we notice also the faithfulness of God, and it helps us continue; to endure. As we endure, our mustard-seed faith grows and matures.
This is why it's so important to be encouraged by other people, because they validate what we may already know. Recognition is encouragement.
Life is tough enough that faith is required just to live. None of us are immune to problems, just as none of us are saved from them. We don't need huge portions of faith; just enough to do is all that is required. When faith is kept simple it is at its most powerful. By faith we connect our problems with winning moments.
© 2013 S. J. Wickham.
Steve Wickham is a Baptist Pastor and a Registered Safety Practitioner and holds Degrees in Science, Divinity, and Counselling. Steve writes at: and

Self Improvement Advice for Men - Finding Out Who the Real You Really Is

One of the challenges that we all face as men, is to really try to figure out who the real person we are is. See, most guys are conditioned to become followers of other men. They look to other guys to show them the model of who they are supposed to be. The problem is, that sometimes you can end up modeling the wrong guys and as a result, you end up coming across like someone you don't want to be or someone that doesn't really seem like who you really are.
Here are some tips that you can use to help yourself find out who you really are:
1. Ask yourself, what kind of life do you really want to live?
Not enough men ask themselves this question and as a result, they don't really ever put themselves on track to become the man that they want to be. You can't have no direction and expect to end up in the right place, right? You wouldn't expect that you can just jump in your car and start driving and you'd end up in California. What if you didn't head west, but were headed east instead? You'd have no chance at all of ending up in California. Yet, a lot of men do that with their life. They don't know where they are going, so they end up on the wrong path and by that time, they feel like it is too late to make the changes that they need to make. It's never too late, but the sooner you can put yourself on the right path, the better.
2. Ask yourself, what kind of life DON'T you want to live?
It's also good to ask yourself what it is that you don't want to do and what you don't want to experience. This can help you if need to find some clarity on what you do really want. If you know, for example, that you don't want to end up being married, then you know that pursuing those kinds of relationships that would lead to marriage are going to be the wrong choice for you. On the other hand, if you DO want to be married, then ending up with nothing but a string of one night stands probably isn't going to put you on that path.
3. Reject conformity if it doesn't serve you.
This is hard to do. We are conditioned to conform. A lot of the time, guys who don't conform are look down upon. Yet, they also tend to be the ones that live exciting lives. Take a look at Richard Branson. Most billionaire businessmen dress and look like a billionaire businessmen. Boring. Branson, doesn't on the other hand. He doesn't conform to what he is supposed to look like and do the things that he is supposed to do. Instead, he has fun. I'd take his life over the life of a guy who doesn't have fun any day of the week.
Do you have more than one goal you are pursuing right now? Read this: and if you want more advice on having the right state of mind, go here:

6 Effective Ways To Harness Your Subconscious Mind Power For Incredible Success

Most of our routine activities are controlled by the subconscious mind power. Perhaps that is why investing in subliminal technology has become so important for many people. Some people do not even know that they have a subconscious mind that perceives much more than the mind. The subconscious is the part of the mind that is not active in assessing, digesting or critically examining thoughts, but stores them. It influences a higher percentage of what we do since it "remembers" more than the ordinary mind. Below are some ways to improve and program the subconscious mind in order to achieve incredible success.
Inner Reflection
Just like the body, the mind needs time off. Time should be created for inner reflection, meditation and thinking. During reflection choose a quiet place without interruption. Music can be played softly in the background. Alternatively, make it is as silent as possible. Let your mind wander around and clear all the issues. It is important to know that for effective meditation, you need not to think about other pending issues or assignments.
If you usually have trouble with this and end up botching everything by thinking in the negative, invest in subliminal technology, get subliminal tapes and DVDS and leave them playing the whole night. Your subconscious mind will absorb the message. You may not know that it has, but it will.
Absorb Positive Messages
The subconscious mind is great for storage of subconscious messages and thoughts. In order to achieve incredible success, make positive declarations about the goals that you want to achieve. Stick wallpapers that have positive messages and watch useful programs on TV. The subconscious mind will be filled with encouraging attitudes hence positive outcomes.
Repetition Of Successful Ideas
Make sure you keep affirming your goals and objectives positively all the time. This brings about a positive attitude and strength in achieving the goal. Repetition allows the subconscious mind to capture the interest at hand and store it. The stored messages are mostly passed to us in form of emotional and unconscious actions. The success one needs will gradually be propelled by the actions of oneself from this mind power stimulation.
Involve Skills, Talents And Art
While talents and skills are in play, the subconscious mind is always very alert. Talents and skills tend to come up without any effort in thinking. Participating in such activities strengthens the subconscious power, which memorizes the talents to be used in other activities. Acting, dancing and other forms of art also help relax the mind since they do not require much thinking. For incredible success, be active with your talents and the subconscious mind will help you apply them in future.
Listen To The Inner Mind
Also referred to as the sixth sense, it is important to listen to the inner mind. The subconscious mind communicates to us in the form of emotions, feelings and ideas. It might present warnings, which give us a funny feeling/intuition not to do something. It might also lead us to opportunities by following the choice of one between two alternatives. Listening to the inner mind is fundamental to success since it either directs us to opportunities or away from disasters.
Use subliminal technology
Harnessing the power of the subconscious mind power is essential. How will you do this? It is very simple as this works hand in hand with subliminal technology. There are many subliminal audio programs selling out there which incoporates this technology. So go ahead, explore and make an investment today. You will never regret it.
Click Here to get your Free 'Secret Success Package' and transform your life in amazing ways!